Sunday, August 1, 2010

Where not to run

Here's a tip: don't go for runs in a swamp. Particularly in Florida during the summer. And especially during a heat advisory.

How did this happen? After yesterday's not-so-terrible run, I was feeling pretty confident and was hoping that the worst was over. Today, for my 5 mile run, I decided to check out Lettuce Lake Park. I had been told that this was a good place to go running; in fact, the person who mentioned it was surprised to learn that I hadn't been yet (what can I say, I used to live in the other end of town and it wasn't exactly convenient). So I decided that it would be fun to check it out for this morning's run just to shake things up a bit.

Big. Mistake.

Lettuce Lake Park is essentially a swamp. Not like the bayou or anything, but if there were rain, it would get filled, and I think that it would be even more swamp-like. There are plants everywhere and it is exceedingly humid.

Note that the humidity is already on the high end here in Florida, not to mention that pesky heat advisory from yesterday, which is still in effect. And the dew point was 79F (!) this morning. That is one mere degree away from the danger zone. And I was in a swamp.

I don't quite know how to explain just how awful I felt. Let's just say that sweat was already amassing in my hair about 1/4 of a mile in. This is one of the grosser feelings that I know: sweat just accumulating with nowhere to go. As I went on, I was literally drenched. My time was unbelievably bad -- even worse than my earlier runs this week.

I'm going to finish up the run later this afternoon on the treadmill at the gym. Dividing runs is not the worst thing in the world, but I don't think that most running experts have in mind that you only got through one mile of your five mile run when they recommend it.

It just started raining. Had I continued my run, I would be out there right now. Rain here is not some kind of nice relief from the heat. The humidity and everything tends to continue. Plus you risk a thunderstorm, which can be very violent. So maybe things are best that I didn't finish...except that it is still bugging me!

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